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Really fun game for rainy days, tea, and a long video/ podcast. Just really fun. Felt a little stupid when I saw other characters like mine running around and acting with some solid AI, I thought they were actual people because of how some reacted poorly where others seemed REALLY smart. Super fun and cant wait to sink more hours into it. 

Keep it up Champ!!


Basically what if Metro Exodus + Stalker series + Scalies have a baby, still a solid game.

Played thru steam, Pretty cool.

So very excited for this !!!

Wiki site for a game would be cool


One of my discord mods is working on one. Still a WiP:

This seems like fun :3 (i would play it but the game crashes under Proton :c)

Ah well, my laptop is slightly below spec anyways (8GB DDR3 RAM, Intel HD Graphics 5500, 2.7 GHz 4-Core CPU)

All-right, so, look - I'll played this to death already, love it lots, still playing it even now. I'm wondering if there's a wider community I can join up with, like a Discord, as well as somewhere to go down a list of Q&A for questions about development, planned features, so on and so forth - or if you (addressed to Siris Pendrake) would like to keep development secret.

Any and all replies providing good info are welcomed, and appreciated.


I know he has a channel on youtube (with the same Dev name) and I'm pretty sure he has a discord in the comments. You'd have to check though, hope this help!


Click that "View all by Siris Pendrake" button up in the corner. Discord link there. :)


hello I am here to say that I fucking love this game. :)

(1 edit)

This game is very promising. There's a few little annoyances (such as objects on the ground causing my camera to wobble very weirdly and make me move around unrealistically) but I'm really liking what's here so far.

I definitely feel that some sort of character progression is needed, though. Perks/Skills to build through or something would be nice - or maybe some way to unlock new kinds of attributes for future characters or something... I dunno. I like the gameplay loop for sure, but I don't really know if it just being a loot and shoot with the occasional fetch quest or kill-this quest is going to be a long-lived experience (still... this is a very early alpha so I have no idea what's planned in the future so I'm hopeful)

Will updating the game to the newest version delete previous progress? If so, is there a way to transfer it over? Thanks!


Im a filthy hoarder so i have a question , will storage chests in safe houses gonna be connected ? or as an option in custom settings only ? it would make this game easy which i dont think u wanna do it , but its just my question :V

Best game I've found on by far. Is there a wiki, or a way to create a wiki to understand more of the game? I understand its only in Alpha, but it would be cool to have a little more info. Thanks!

Love it

Do you happen to have a roadmap for this project? ^^

(1 edit)

Having troubles with a lighting glitch, when I load the game the sun becomes really bright to a near blinding point, I can tell it's the sun because I waited around while getting food and at night the problem isn't present. Any ideas on how to fix it?

Edit: I'm running the Itch version btw


What are your GPU specs?
Also can you post a screen shot in my discord's bug report channel if its not too much trouble?

Thank you.

(1 edit)

Will do!

Edit: I'm running a laptop so I have no doubt that's the problem

Proper specs:

Intel(R) UHD 


basically unmodified Lenovo laptop, just better installed ram and an external drive


Played as the Veteran and got jealous of everyone else's tail.

Shot everyone else in the tail with shotgun!

But they still keep full tail, and mine is still nub. :C

10/10, experienced tail-related emotion, will play again.

Not sure if there's any other place to leave feedback but the newest version of the game (at least the one available on Steam now) seems to have received a noticeable performance downgrade compared to the 0.14.0 (or earlier). I have not noticed any higher graphic fidelity but while in the beginning I was able to run everything on high/epic (except volumetric light) in 60FPS, now I had to turn everything to low/mid and disable shadows completely, which makes the game look, well, bad, and OBS struggled with streaming and recording at the same time. Not sure if this is something related to UE5 but I feel like something went wrong. If there are any debug files generated while playing I am willing to share it to improve the performance and make the title more enjoyable for people with non-RTX PCs.

I'm on Ryzen 5 2600x and GTX 1660S for that matter.

Also the monster randomisation could be a bit more forgivable, or at least they could spawn less frequently because the horned dudes are very annoying and I rarely had anything to fight them with. And I couldn't find the jammer. How does the jammer look and does it even spawn? Here's footage of my playthrough, just skip through the first few minutes of yapping.

I skimmed through you playing with settings. Did you ever try changing Anti-aliasing off of TSR?
That one can be problematic for certain GPUs.

Also if it not too much trouble, I'm curious if turning "Dynamic Resolution" off and back on again has any positive effect.


(1 edit)

I switched to FXAA and it helped a little but shadows seem to be the most impactful thing so far, although I didn't notice any visual difference between medium and high. When I was disabling them during the stream it produced much less difference than off-line, but I guess this is something I have to figure out myself. I tried using the build shaders option but it didn't seem to do much. Dynamic resolution settings gives me no performance difference whatsoever, not sure how is it handled. 

Is there any chance for FSR3 support (upscaling, don't really care about the frame generation) in the future? I used it while playing Ghost of Tsushima and it was very beneficial, could grant better results than the current scaling system.

(1 edit)

I did some more "extensive" tests today and the culprit seems to be the 6GBs of VRAM my GPU has, which - no matter the settings, be it in game, or in Nvidia Control Panel - always stay at 5.5GB so it makes streaming impossible and GPU often has hiccups even if I am "just" playing. I think this is the bane of UE5 itself and I'm just unlucky. Doubtful this can be fixed, every game on this engine seems to just eat through the VRAM no matter what type of game is it or what settings are used.

From stuff that probably can be fixed, on save reload game seems to be constantly trying to load or unload some assets or post-process effects even if the build shaders option is chosen at the game's start. It causes stutters, drops frames noticeably and slows the game, Control Panel reports 100% 3D usage, can be manually "repaired" only by exiting the game and loading the save back from actual main menu.

I love this demo but the main thing I hated was not knowing if I was looking at an enemy or a friendly so most of the time I'd walk up to them and either wait for them to turn and shoot me or for them to turn and kill me instantly because they had a shotgun.

(1 edit) (+3)

They were given distinct uniforms patch or so back, now the trick is to look for a color scheme! Unless you're doing some goofy reputation stuff (which there is no point or reward to doing so then just challenge) by default you will be non hostile with two factions, and hostile with the other four factions. 

The two friendlies are:
Freelancer: Woodland digital camo and/or green, usually dark green. No armband or green armbands.

Revolution: Red, or red and grey digital camo. They have red headbands/armbands.

The four hostiles are:
Cultists: Purple, lots of purple. Usually carrying a glowing orange gun too. Purple armbands.

Insurrection: Probably the most common enemy you'll encounter, they wear casual clothing, but with bright yellow/orange armbands or headbands.

Military: More common in some maps, they wear a light grey digital/urban camo.

Loners: Not so much a faction as just factionless, they are hostile to everyone else (even other loners) but their own squad. They often wear dark clothing with no armbands or visual identifiers.

I hope this helps!

At first you don't understand, but then you're chiki briki v damki


greatly enjoyed the demo but im really REALLY struggling to differentiate between the faction soldiers, doesnt help they can see you in the dark a lot better than you can see them

im honestly loving this demo so far combat is fun and everything feels worth the adventure. i do hope we get to customize our character in the future tho!!


I love furry escape from stalkov!


Finally managed to put some hours into this and had a really good time! The map is great to explore and kept up my curiosity throughout. Between scrounging around for equipment (finding the Revenant Helm was actual hype) and getting in with the different factions so they'll sell me better stuff the progression feels natural. I loved stumbling into some rotting and forgotten place in zone patrol and that's totally present here already too.

My only tangible request so far would be to have separate sensitivities for aiming from the hip and down the sights. The former always felt too slow and the latter too fast for me.

Excited to see where this goes and 100% a buy from me!


Great game! I will definitely buy it as soon as it becomes available 

 I expected a maximum of 10 minutes of gameplay from the demo, but instead I got 10 hours. Moreover, I was able to get the emotions that I got during the very first playthrough of stalker, especially when going down to the first laboratory. 

At the same time, there is a really large variety of mechanics. When trying to set fire to hay in the barn with a lighter, I accidentally set myself on fire.

 The anomalies also seem more creative than those in stalker. I especially liked the anomaly  "glass strings". It is very pleasant to cut with a knife. And also the shadow wendigo in the laboratory (I thought he was a monster, but the detector showed strong anomalous activity near him). 

And with all this, I did not have a single critical bug. 


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after a lot of attempts, we completed every available quest on Permadeath, specifically as artificer. we fuckin love Project Silverfish so much, the dungeon-crawling is great, the variety of items and gear makes exploring and trading and etc etc really interesting, it's cool how there's not a whole lot of just linear "this is better" and "this is worse" for stuff so there's tons of flexibility, the bones of im-sim interactive mechanics are really promising for what they might grow into, the world is fascinating, the fallout-esque sci-fi-cold-war vibe to the ruins is great, god just. it's already really, really good. we've never racked up almost three dozen hours in what is technically ostensibly a demo so enthusiastically before lol


Hey, a really cool game, would be an honor for us if you'd consider joining us as, we're looking for talented indie creators for games, tools, assets, zines, books, ect for a massive a co-op bundle, where we want to include 300 items at least.. If you would like to join us it would be awesome! best regards & peace <3

I gathered loot, broke a radio jammer for a quest, collected frogs, accidently go into a massive firefight. . . got more loot! Saw some strange traps and got exploded by a plasma grenade! 

Would recommend very fun to play! 

Gunplay is good, Good Variety of loot, and has a huge map with a lot of interesting environments!

please release a linux build

Hi, fellow linux user here:

- download the demo and extract the zip

- open Steam and in the bottom left corner go to "Add Game" -> "Add Non-Steam Game"

- choose the "Silverfish.exe"

- Now in your Steam library right clock the new "Silverfish.exe" entry and go to "Compatibility" and tick "Force the use of a specific Steam Play tool"

- in the new dropdown choose "Proton experimental"

- launche the game and enjoy, games runs flawlessly so far for me on linux, as did ADACA before it


yeah, already did that. but it’s an unreal game, and realistically they should just be able to click the linux export button. if not i was going to offer to do it for them for free.

i’m also a dev and it frustrates me to see cool things in common engines not be exported to the other platforms especially when the engine will pretty much do the hard part already.


Does this game have autosave? If not how do I save


The game saves on level transition. You can also save at safe beds. 


Awesome!! Ty Siris :3

Does the game use a lower internal resolution? If I turn off AA the game looks way too blurry, I normally play with no AA (or SMAA if available) for most games as FXAA and TAA looks blurry and smudged especially while moving. As for TSR or DLSS upscaling, those makes me feel a bit nauseous after awhile.
Either way, I'll definitely will keep an eye on this and buy it when it fully releases.
(I have way too much playtime on stalker games, especially modded stalker anomaly)

(1 edit) (+1)

There's currently a glitch with resolution settings right now. I'm going to put out a patch soon.  Also Unreal has limited Anti Alias settings. Bare with me.

(3 edits)

I've gone into "project-silverfish\SilverFish\Saved\Config\Windows" and inside the file "GameUserSettings.ini"

I've set the "sg.ResolutionQuality=0" into "sg.ResolutionQuality=100" and it has fixed the blur issue for me.


game was fun i love the concept idea for this game!

STALKER but set in a weird alternative Europe with kobolds, freaky robomutants, and supernatural weirdness? Instantly my thing, without a doubt.

I know this is a very, very early demo, but this is a solid base for building on. The map is varied and interesting. There's several cool factions and a lot of fun worldbuilding already in play. A heavy amount of content for something so early too. Plenty of basic quests to get your feet wet with. Not to mention, a huge variety of weapons to toy with. I was expecting to barely have anything available, but you clearly wanted to have every base covered. The fact there's no only base weapons of each category, but also variants with unique components and capabilities is really cool. And lots of enemies to experience, especially on the mutant front! Mostly unique too, each with their own quirks.

I particularly like switching the STALKER style hunger system to being merely a boost to speed rather than being something you have to deal with or risk dying. Especially given this is a much harsher game on the loot front. I've only found a couple artifacts here and there, but I honestly think they seem neat at least. Interested to see how their gameplay grows as the game fleshes out.

The style of the game is also wonderful. I love the strange mixture of realistic mid-20th century industrial areas with the vaguely dieselpunk magitek and what appear to be cybernetic zombies and undead creatures born from experiments. There's a few love letters to your inspiration, I can see can see the Snork in a few of the designs, but they do things their own way...picking up the small gas mask for the first time and reading the description while examining the body made it clear that whatever caused this involved some seriously messed up stuff. I enjoyed being able to use the terminals to read more about the lore of the world as well. My hope is you eventually include a similar encyclopedia to how Shadow of Chernobyl did it, allowing the player to locate information on the various mutants and learn their possible origins and how the stalkers of this particular zone regard them.

I do distinctly feel that both the armor and weapon drop systems need a bit of a tweak though. It is incredibly difficult to find any armor with any level of bullet protection, whereas environmental armors are very common. Combat helmets, at the very least, feel reasonably easy to find. Weapons, meanwhile, are overly tuned to their base variants. I very rarely encounter higher quality variants in even the higher tier shops, and usually need to luck out with enemies or loot. This makes it a pain and a half to get any weapon with a taclight on it, let alone scopes or reflex sight. Just a slight bit more commonality to mid-tier weapons to allow for DMRs and sighted rifles would be appreciated, because you can at least supplement the lack of light with a suitable helmet.

The factions are interesting in their build up of lore, but at the moment it feels like there is very little difference in terms of tactics and equipment between the military, the revolutionaries, and the right-wing militia members. While they have vaguely different outfits, in terms of colors and styles, they lack the equipment diversity that STALKER's factions have. Seeming to use the same rifles, pistols, shotguns, and so on with the Army just having a slightly higher quality of weapons compared to the two rebel groups. Giving each one their own preferences would help both increase loot potential and require the player to adjust tactics for each group. Likewise, I barely see any Revolutionaries at all, even near their territories. I expected the Flood Plains to be a constant battleground between the three groups, but I only ever found mutants and militia members. Revolutionary patrols only seem to occasionally crop up in the Depot. I assume that'll be changed quickly, but it's something I noticed very quickly given the other factions spawn very, very frequently

Also, lockpicks are ridiculously rare. Practically no shops sell them, I had to find someone willing to trade gauze for them to even stock up. Speaking of trades, I've seen NPCs offer trades for what I assume are irreplaceable items, like keys. I assume this is just a randomization bug that doesn't consider whether or not the item is important, but I thought I should note it.

I've also had a couple quests bug out on me. The wrench in the warehouse, unless it's located in the cistern below, is seemingly missing. Likewise, the Missing Contact quest vanished from my quest log after digging up the package and I couldn't turn it in. A few of the other quests, like the train documents and the computer board, I have been unable to locate the objectives of due to the lack of hints on where to go. Finally, the keypads in some of the RG East lab don't seem to accept the codes you can find that go to them. This might, again, be the demo's alpha nature causing that though.

Do not mistake my critique for not liking anything though. I've not put this demo down since you released it. It's everything I love about these sorts of games, with the added bonus of a very unique world and some really interesting ideas on both combat and gameplay compared to the source. I really cannot wait to see how this slowly builds up, I bet it'll easily compare to the official STALKER sequel by the end! Keep up the great work!

I can see myself playing this. The combat is a little wonky. Having to crouch at the apex of the jump to mantle doesn't feel right. Enemies aggro from across the map. Some ambient noise or music would be great. It was fun though.

Great game! Tho i miiiight be go overboard and killed almost anyone on my path so now every single squad encounter turn into crossfire. Like litirally one survived people is strange shoper and random travaling merchant! Oh also can you say is people you encounter after docks in some kind of reserach facility with bed in which you can sleep is friendly? I started shooting at first gunman i saw and that was guy who dropped machine gun that helped me whipe out entire camp.


Yeah they was friendly haha


Loving it so far. Can't wait to see what comes of this project.

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This was such an enjoyable game!  this was written by a douche who hacked my account


been unbelievably stoked for this. excited to dig into the demo soon


alright yeah this is absolutely astounding. spectacular stuff so far


I am so impressed by the evolution from Adaca to this, the world building is fantastic. not to say that this is just an evolution of Adaca, there are truly creative differences in the gameplay and feel. I am starting a new run playing on mercy settings because so far the enemies are unequivocally destroying me, im really looking forward to where this goes, the polish of this demo is inspiring. 

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